Sports around Rabac and Labin
Sport activities in Rabac and Labin region are numerous. Some of local favourites are hiking, mountain-biking and fishing. Rabac also offers many swimming pools, a waterslide, various tennis courts, table tennis, mini golf, beach volleyball, diving activities and other water sports. Of course there are tons of games for children.
Trips and Excursions nearby
Should you choose to go for a trip around the area, you will find peace and quiet in the intact nature. You can take the Labin hiking trail or the mountain-bike trails. Choose from numerous boat excursions such as the dolphin-safari, excursion to the island of Cres, a visit to Venice by catamaran, and so on…
Numerous restaurants along the promenade of Rabac and Labin offer various gastro specialties, among which the Kvarner scampi, the most appreciated product of the Adriatic sea. Many Istrians consider wine as the culture of living and have been historically devoted to the grapevine. While exploring Rabac and Istria keep in mind that some of the World’s best olive oils are made here.